Grilled Corn Salad with Cherry Tomato & Cilantro Vinaigrette
Grilled Corn Salad with Cherry Tomatoes and Cilantro is a perfect summer side dish for one of your dinner parties. Healthy and Delicious!!
…Grilling Summer Corn
In season, there is nothing like summer corn. I like to grill it, cut if off the cob and use it in corn salsa, relish, and salad or as a side dish.
…Fresh pressed juices, juice cleanses, green juices….they’re the latest craze but why?
I wanted to share this article with you by Heidi Llovet . Heidi is an amazing Physical Trainer , (she keeps me in line!) Wellness Specialist and good friend of mine.
…Beautiful Decorative Centerpiece
From garden to tabletop, an elegant summer centerpiece of yellow roses, hydrangeas and lemons. Select your favorite flowers, vegetables and fruits – be creative and have fun!
…Cut Flower Selection Tips
Here are a few great tips for choosing the perfect components for a stunning floral arrangement.
Select blooms that are tight and just beginning to open.
…Wake up your senses and discover Merken!
I recently discovered the spice Merken while I was in Santiago, Chile at the farmers market. Merken is a blend of dried and smoked chilies, toasted coriander seeds, cumin and salt.
…Herbs de Provence Recipe
Herbs de Provence is typically used on fish or meat prior to cooking or grilling and sometimes is used in vegetable stews.
…Wine Club “Saturday Salon” Saturday, June 29th -1:00 to 4:00PM
Sip and Slide into the long days of summer with our award winning Winsdor Oaks wines and gourmet sliders!
Join us on the patio for a glass of wine or relax in our friendly Tasting Salon.